Driven insane by telemarketers, tailgaters, politics, hidden agendas, martha stewart, and the flying monkies that steal my underwear at night....this is one person's (sometimes) twisted view.
what happened?
Published on December 1, 2003 By REALLYcOnFuSeD In Misc
I'm not a christmas Scrooge. Infact, I love christmas. Well, that's not entirely true...I love the idea of christmas. I love the twinkling lights, the christmas music, and I even love the christmas specials on television (RUDOLPH RULES!!).
However, I DO NOT love the christmas traffic...I do not love fighting the christmas mobs in the stores (who would gladly elbow you in the face for the last Eye Toy). I do not love worrying if the presents that I spent hours picking out for the people I love will be be good enough or please them.
Tell me when christmas became such a burden. Why is spending that day with loved ones and being thankful that we're here to celebrate at all suddenly not enough? When did the feelings of love and joy become replaced by dread, anxiety, and even greed?
The next time we take our kids to the mall to sit in santa's lap, let's also remember to take a minute to remind them of the man that's truely responsible for their favorite holiday. And when we sit down to our big holiday meals, lets remember that there are a lot of families that don't have the same luxury. Let's count our blessings that we have healthy families, that we will be safe and warm this winter, and that we are loved...
However lost the true meaning of christmas has gotten, it's not so lost that it can't be found again.

on Dec 01, 2003
I'm with you. I love the lights, shows and music. I love the excitement I see in my childrens' eyes. I, on the other hand, look forward to the giving. I don't like the mob scene at the stores though. I do a lot of online shopping. I enjoy wrapping. I don't enjoy the lines at UPS or the post office to ship packages to friends and family. I enjoy making cookies with my kids and telling them stories of special Christmases I had as a little girl.

You only feel what you allow yourself to feel. I let some of my family get to me sometimes. I have to take a step back and say, "Nope. That isn't what it's about. I am going to enjoy the things I am looking forward to and not let anything get in the way."

Best Wishes!b
on Dec 04, 2003
Historically Christmas was never a "Mega-Mass Holiday", this holiday had to wait for mass communications and advertising schemes to be the free market free- for- all that it is today.
Truly in the religious sense, Easter was the major celebration, followed by Halloween ( as told to me by the local Catholic layperson/ insurance agent )
Christmas has just been adopted by the same type of hucksters that created mothers day and fathers day.