Driven insane by telemarketers, tailgaters, politics, hidden agendas, martha stewart, and the flying monkies that steal my underwear at night....this is one person's (sometimes) twisted view.
that kids say
Published on December 8, 2003 By REALLYcOnFuSeD In Misc
(children usually just say whatever is on their minds. While they typically don't understand the effect that words can have, and don't mean to be hurtful, it's no less painful or embarassing for their parents or the people around them.)

1. small child to mother, standing in line to see santa: "Has anybody ever told you that you're fat!?!"

2. my son to my mother, after begging her to make mac and cheese from scratch: " This is awefully dry! Maybe you should just stick to the box stuff."

3. a teenage girl to her mother, standing beside a clothing rack of formal gowns during prom season: " What do you mean, 'We can't afford this right now'!?! I saw daddy's checkbook LAST NIGHT, and i know good and well that we can afford this right now!"

4. little girl to grandfather, in supermarket: " Pop Pop, will hair come out of MY nose too, when i grow up?"

5. boy to father, in resturant: " Daddy, that lady has arm jiggle just like mommy!"

( unfortunatly, arm jiggle lady AND mommy were both within ear shot)
on Dec 08, 2003
The truth always come out of children's mouth, that's part of the reason of having a dog...

Nice list of insensitive things (1,2,..) I'm sure there's a big future for it.
on Dec 08, 2003
Lots of laughs... Reminds me of the story my sister told me the other day about her grandson. She had taken him to the post office with her and was in the line to purchase some stamps or what ever when she heard Treyton saying, "Oh looky Nana, He's so little. Looky nana, how little, he's so cute and little Nana. After ignoring him the first couple times, she finally turned around to see just what he was talking about. There in line behind them stood a small midget. GCJ
on Dec 08, 2003
Many years ago, there was a thing called "charm school." But seriously, train a child early, very early, that everything they think should not escape the lips.