Driven insane by telemarketers, tailgaters, politics, hidden agendas, martha stewart, and the flying monkies that steal my underwear at night....this is one person's (sometimes) twisted view.
Published on December 15, 2003 By REALLYcOnFuSeD In Misc
I just had to share part of a brief phone conversation that i just had with my friend A. Only one word describes it.... BIZARRE!

A: did you catch Rudolph on the tube?

Me: Yep.

A: Everytime i see it i want to cry.

Me: Cry? Why?

A: Are you kidding? Rudolph represents everything thats wrong with society! (slight tremble in her voice)

Me: Alright, i'll bite. You're gonna have to explain this one to me.

A: Well... Look at Rudolph... His big red nose made him an outcast among his people...uh, reindeer peers...whatever...It's classic! He's the skinny, smart kid that everyone picks on. He's the homeless guy on every corner. He's every underdog. And WE are the punk reindeer kids! WE are Rudolph's tormentors!

Me: Hmmm...Well, thats one way to look at it....(long pause to stuff popcorn in my mouth)... Or maybe Rudolph is just a cute holiday claymation created to entertain children.

A: Yeah.I can see that too... OK, talk to ya later.

Me: Later.

on Dec 15, 2003
the first part of rudolph the red nosed reindeer made my niece cry. plus, your friend has a point. rudolph gets rejected by EVERYONE: friends, family, even santa is upset with him merely because he has a red nose. only the other loners and outcasts befriend him. but as soon as he proves useful THEN the other reindeer want to be friends with him.

now the mad tv rudolph/godfather claymation paraody version...

rudolph gets rejected, meets up with the other guys, then he builds up power with the abominable snowman as his henchman, comes back, kills off santa, and takes control of the south pole himself: now that's a holiday special i can get behind.