Driven insane by telemarketers, tailgaters, politics, hidden agendas, martha stewart, and the flying monkies that steal my underwear at night....this is one person's (sometimes) twisted view.
sometimes i just can't believe it
Published on December 3, 2003 By REALLYcOnFuSeD In Misc
1. overheard in a resturaunt, (presumably) a mother to her daughter: " If you eat that, you'll have to spend 10 more minutes on your treadmill. Don't you think Bobby'll notice if you put on any more weight?"

2. inline at the supermarket, coustomer to cashier: " Are you NEW at this? We all have lives to lead, ya know... CHRIST! can't you go any faster?"

( i was tempted to say something to that wretched woman until the obviously exhausted cashier took the initiative, and said...)

cashier to customer: " Are YOU new at this? I've been on my feet here for 9 hours and i think i've been doing my job beautifully. There are 3 people ahead of you in line and i will get to you when it's your turn. So try to have a little patience and have some respect for me and all these nice people, ma'am..."

(The whole line burst into spontanious cheers and applause. The offending woman was so embarrassed that she took her purchases to a different line. We all congradulated the cashier when it came our turn in line, and i bet we all left thinking something like " Score one for the average joe.")

3. older woman to older man in Wendy's ( in a VERY loud voice): " I don't know why you bought that rediculous hairpiece. You're not fooling anyone, you know."

4. teenage girl to another, coming out of wal-mart: "I don't know what you expected! He only wanted what you've been teasing him with for all year. Why didn't you just stay..."

( THAT mortified me so much that i froze right in the middle of the road. I don't know what that conversation was about, but i wanted to cry for the poor girl.)

( stay tuned for more INSENSITIVE THINGS....)

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