Driven insane by telemarketers, tailgaters, politics, hidden agendas, martha stewart, and the flying monkies that steal my underwear at night....this is one person's (sometimes) twisted view.
REALLYcOnFuSeD's Articles In Misc
December 3, 2003 by REALLYcOnFuSeD
1. overheard in a resturaunt, (presumably) a mother to her daughter: " If you eat that, you'll have to spend 10 more minutes on your treadmill. Don't you think Bobby'll notice if you put on any more weight?" 2. inline at the supermarket, coustomer to cashier: " Are you NEW at this? We all have lives to lead, ya know... CHRIST! can't you go any faster?" ( i was tempted to say something to that wretched woman until the obviously exhausted cashier took the initiative, and said...) ...
December 4, 2003 by REALLYcOnFuSeD
1. a certain relative to me, in my home, as i'm wrapping up the Thanksgiving day cooking: "My, you must be a busy woman! You know.... If you can't find the time to tidy up a bit, maybe you should consider having someone come in every once in a while.. Just to get all the dust bunnies and what not." (everyone has a relative like this. One that will make little or no effort to disguise a hurtful criticism as a helpful suggestion.) 2. a drunk customer to a pretty bartender, at a local water...
December 1, 2003 by REALLYcOnFuSeD
I'm not a christmas Scrooge. Infact, I love christmas. Well, that's not entirely true...I love the idea of christmas. I love the twinkling lights, the christmas music, and I even love the christmas specials on television (RUDOLPH RULES!!). However, I DO NOT love the christmas traffic...I do not love fighting the christmas mobs in the stores (who would gladly elbow you in the face for the last Eye Toy). I do not love worrying if the presents that I spent hours picking out for the people I lov...
December 4, 2003 by REALLYcOnFuSeD
" i do not have all the answers. Infact, i don't know half the questions!"..i just said that to my boyfriend... i am not the "we need to talk about our problems until we pass out from dehydration and exhaustion" kind of girl.I know, I know! my boyfriend was shocked too! anyway, i am more the "lets NOT talk about it, and get on with our lives" kind of girl. i dont think that every little proverbial bump in the road needs to be discussed and analyzed until the bump is worn down to nothingness...
December 8, 2003 by REALLYcOnFuSeD
I came across this last night and it moved me, so i thought I'd post it. "Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And then, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
December 8, 2003 by REALLYcOnFuSeD
I threw my daughter a birthday party at the local skate center over the weekend. This was the one thing that she'd been asking for ALL year, so i've spent the last two weeks organizing what i was determined would be an unforgettable experience for her... I had no idea how truely unforgettable the experience would be...for everyone. There was the usual birthday type goings on. Lots of family and friends, cake, ice cream, pizza, balloons, presents, ya-da ya-da... My sister, who documents every ...
December 8, 2003 by REALLYcOnFuSeD
(children usually just say whatever is on their minds. While they typically don't understand the effect that words can have, and don't mean to be hurtful, it's no less painful or embarassing for their parents or the people around them.) 1. small child to mother, standing in line to see santa: "Has anybody ever told you that you're fat!?!" 2. my son to my mother, after begging her to make mac and cheese from scratch: " This is awefully dry! Maybe you should just stick to the box stuff....
December 9, 2003 by REALLYcOnFuSeD
I'd like to appologize right now for this article. I'm pretty sure that this will fall under the "babbling" that i mentioned in my first entry, but i'm afraid that i can't sleep. And aside from heavily medicating myself (NOT an option) this is my last resort... I figure if i stare at my computer monitor long enough, maybe my eyes will become tired and i can sleep for the hour and 20 minutes thats left before i have to start my day... At this point, it may not be a good idea for me to sleep at al...
December 10, 2003 by REALLYcOnFuSeD
" It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. " - Aristotle
December 13, 2003 by REALLYcOnFuSeD
I've been having a bout of insomnia lately... Thankfully, though, i've managed to get a little sleep here and there. Of course, it hasn't been at night. Yesterday, i fell asleep in my reading chair and was awakened by my niece on the phone, who was very upset that i'd left her sitting at the tire shop for two hours. I've fallen asleep while dinner was in the oven (M thought to take it out ATER it was burned to a crisp- we had peanut butter sandwiches).I've fallen asleep in front of my son's scho...
December 15, 2003 by REALLYcOnFuSeD
I just had to share part of a brief phone conversation that i just had with my friend A. Only one word describes it.... BIZARRE! A: did you catch Rudolph on the tube? Me: Yep. A: Everytime i see it i want to cry. Me: Cry? Why? A: Are you kidding? Rudolph represents everything thats wrong with society! (slight tremble in her voice) Me: Alright, i'll bite. You're gonna have to explain this one to me. A: Well... Look at Rudolph... His big red nose made him ...
December 15, 2003 by REALLYcOnFuSeD
The insomnia is GONE!!! i got 14 hours of uninterrupted Z's last night, and i feel like a new woman! OK, the same woman that i felt like before my eyes wouldn't closer for longer than it takes to blink, but a refreshed and re-energized version of that woman. I'd given up on ever sleeping again. I know what time the birds begin to chirp and when our newspaper is delivered. I know how many times i blink in 1 minute ( my daughter counted during one of my really spaced out moments). I know how to ma...